Contact us

Please use the contact information below to connect with a specific office or department that can best meet your needs.

General inquiries

It is important to us to be available to our donors, potential grantees, and the public, we will make sure to do our best to get back to you.

Mailing address

Ananda College, Colombo 10,
Western Province, Sri Lanka


For donations and fundraising related information

For any inquiries or assistance regarding donations, reach out to us via email below.

We're here to help you make a difference!

eMAIL address

Media inquiries and partnership related information

Note: If you are a member of the news media, please use the email address below to leave a detailed message. Include your name, press affiliation, phone number, questions, and deadline.

eMAIL address

Visiting Centre of Excellence? Schedule a tour

If you’re interested in COE, join us for an in-person info session and student-led tour. You’ll learn more about our community and project, and get answers to your questions along the way.

Schedule a tour

We’re here to help you,
whatever your question or concern.

Please fill out the form bellow to contact us.

While it is important to us to be available to our donors, potential grantees, and the public, due to the large number of emails received, we may be unable to respond directly to your inquiry. Thank you for your understanding. To learn more about the governing organization please visit
Old Anandians' Professional Forum
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Reporting scams

If you want to report wrongdoing, please contact the OAPF Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI):

By email:
President - Gen. Kamal Gunaratne